When Is Weight Loss Too Much, Too Fast?

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“We look more at body composition: lean to muscle fat and where that fat is on the body. Fat between the collarbone and pubic bone, carried deep in and around the organs, has more negative health effects than fat carried just underneath the skin,” Horn said, adding that blood pressure, blood work and mobility also factor into setting goals for patients in the center’s weight-loss programs. Just using BMI, she stressed, discounts the many who fall into the “normal” range but still carry too much weight in this problem area, which results in higher risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, abnormal cholesterol and high blood pressure. Horn also said she prefers to use a percentage instead of pounds when factoring per-week weight-loss goals. “Healthy weight loss is 1 (percent) to 1 percent of body weight per week.
For the original version including garcinia cambogia side effects any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.chron.com/news/health/article/When-is-weight-loss-too-much-too-fast-5248846.php

Is weight loss surgery right for children?

Lacking the capacity and resolve to feed our children less or better, or get them to exercise more, we send them through the operating room doors instead. I have encountered the Middle Eastern version of this global travesty before, and more intimately than by reading a newspaper article. I had a brief stay in Qatar last year, invited by colleagues to speak at a medical conference. Before my visit, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/idUSnHUGdsQR+73+ONE20140113 I knew that obesity and chronic disease rates were high and rising fast in that part of the world. Not having made a particular study of Qatar before, however, I did not know that the prevalence of diabetes there is roughly twice as great as in the United States, some 17 percent of the population as compared to our 8.3 percent .
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/weight-loss-surgery-children-article-1.1620081